CherrySource will not use any personal data collected on this site for any purpose other than that specifically stated.
CherrySource may use personal contact details to send you further information we believe you will be interested in. If you indicate to us that you would prefer not to receive such information we will always respect your wishes. If you agree to receive, or sign up for, further information from CherrySource by email we will offer you an opportunity to unsubscribe from that communication in every email we send.
CherrySource will never intentionally misuse or allow others to misuse any personal data it collects or holds and will take action to ensure your data is held securely.
CherrySource does not sell or pass on personal contact details to any other organisation and will not do so in future without asking you for a specific opt-in to that scheme.
CherrySource does collect standard log files on its web server. These log files do not collect personal data but rather collect information which assists CherrySource in assessing the use and usability of it various sites. This information may include the IP address of your computer. CherrySource will not attempt to trace that IP address to you personally, nor will it allow that information to be tracked by outside agencies.
This website uses cookies.
Short term ‘session’ cookies which exist while you are on the site assist CherrySource in tracking the use and usability of the site.
Long term ‘permanent’ cookies are used to remember your country of origin as specified by your browser settings, or chosen by you on the landing page of the site. Your country determines which regional version of the website you see.
Long term ‘permanent’ cookies may also be used to remember you as a visitor where the site offers a log-in system, a sign-up form, or to prevent abuse of a system where users are only allowed to click once a day.